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購入データの不整合はどう防止・対応していますか? | How does Game8 Store handle purchase data inconsistencies?

A: Game8 Storeでは、決済完了後にパブリッシャーのシステムでアイテム付与を行う仕組みになっています。

1. 補填・対応の役割分担

  • Game8 Store決済関連の不具合(例: 決済エラー、二重決済の可能性がある取引)を対応
  • パブリッシャーアイテム付与の不具合(例: 購入後の付与失敗)を対応

2. 不整合の主なリスクと防止策

1. 二重決済の防止

  • 同じ取引が重複しないように一意の取引IDで管理
  • 決済履歴をシステムで内部精査し、必要に応じて適切に対応

2. 購入後にアイテムが付与されない問題の防止

  • アイテム付与の状況を一定時間ごとにチェックし、リトライ可能な場合は再試行
  • リトライでも解決しない場合は管理者通知し、手動補填を検討

3. 決済していないのにアイテムが付与される問題の防止

  • 売上データとアイテム付与データを定期的に照合し、不整合を検出
  • 不整合が発生した場合はシステムとパブリッシャー側で連携し、適切に対応

4. ユーザー問い合わせ時の対応強化

  • 購入履歴とアイテム付与状況を管理し、未反映の取引を迅速に特定
  • 問い合わせ時にはログを参照し、適切な対応を実施

3. 不整合発生時の対応フロー

  1. 自動監視とリカバリー
      • システムが不整合を自動検出し、リトライ処理を実施可能な場合は再試行
      • 一定時間経過後も未解決の場合は、管理者へ通知
  1. 手動対応とユーザーサポート
      • 自動処理で解決できないケースは、管理者が手動補填を検討
      • ユーザー問い合わせ時には、ログをもとに迅速に対応

4. 不整合発生時の対応責任

二重決済の可能性がある取引Game8 Store決済履歴を内部精査し、必要に応じて適切に対応
システム障害による決済データの消失Game8 Store取引履歴を確認し、適切な対応を実施

5. まとめ

Game8 Storeでは、決済とアイテム付与の不整合を防ぐ仕組みを強化し、発生時の対応フローを確立しています。
  • 決済とアイテム付与を一貫管理し、不整合を最小限に抑える
  • リアルタイム監視&適時リカバリーで問題を早期に解消
  • 発生時の責任範囲を明確化し、迅速な対応を実現



A: Game8 Store operates in a way that items are granted by the publisher’s system after the payment is completed.
To prevent data inconsistencies caused by network issues or system errors, we have implemented robust safeguards and established a framework for swift response when issues arise.

1. Roles and Responsibilities for Issue Resolution

Basic Rules:

  • Game8 Store → Handles payment-related issues (e.g., payment errors, potential duplicate transactions).
  • Publishers → Handle item grant issues (e.g., failure to grant items after purchase).

2. Key Risks and Prevention Measures

1. Preventing Duplicate Payments

  • Each transaction is managed using a unique transaction ID to avoid duplicates.
  • Payment records are automatically reviewed, and any discrepancies are handled appropriately.

2. Preventing Failure to Grant Purchased Items

  • The system periodically checks the item grant status and retries if possible.
  • If retries fail, an administrator is notified to consider manual compensation.

3. Preventing Unauthorized Item Grants Without Payment

  • Sales and item grant data are regularly reconciled to detect inconsistencies.
  • If discrepancies occur, Game8 Store and publishers coordinate to resolve them appropriately.

4. Strengthening User Support for Purchase Inquiries

  • The system manages purchase history and item grant status to quickly identify pending transactions.
  • When users contact support, logs are reviewed to provide accurate resolutions.

3. Incident Handling Flow

  1. Automated Monitoring and Recovery
      • The system automatically detects inconsistencies and attempts a retry if possible.
      • If the issue persists after a certain period, an administrator is notified.
  1. Manual Handling and User Support
      • If automated processes cannot resolve the issue, an administrator reviews and considers manual compensation.
      • When users inquire, logs are reviewed to provide an accurate response.

4. Responsibility for Resolving Inconsistencies

IssueResponsible PartyResolution Process
Payment succeeded, but item grant failedPublisherRetry granting the item, and if necessary, manually grant it.
Potential duplicate paymentGame8 StoreReview transaction records and take appropriate action.
Item granted without paymentPublisherInvestigate using logs and take corrective action as needed.
Incorrect charges due to publisher settingsPublisherAdjust pricing and handle cases individually.
Payment data loss due to system failureGame8 StoreReview transaction history and resolve the issue appropriately.

5. Summary

Game8 Store has implemented strong preventive measures against inconsistencies and established a clear response framework:
  • End-to-end management of payments and item grants to minimize discrepancies.
  • Real-time monitoring and rapid recovery to resolve issues early.
  • Clear responsibility assignment for fast and effective issue resolution.
If any inconsistencies occur, we will take the necessary actions. For more details on our operations, please feel free to contact us.

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