ゲームとGame8 Storeはどのように連携しますか? | How do the game and Game8 Store integrate?
A: ゲームとストアの連携はゲーム内IDを利用して行います。購入時にユーザーがゲーム内IDを入力し、それをもとにストアとゲームを紐づけます。ゲーム内でIDをクリップボードにコピーできる機能があると、スムーズに入力できるため便利です。
A: The integration between the game and the store is done using the in-game ID. When making a purchase, users enter their in-game ID, which links the store to the game. If the game has a feature that allows users to copy their ID to the clipboard, it makes the input process smoother and more convenient.
Once a purchase is made, the in-game ID is stored on the store’s side, so users don’t need to re-enter it for future purchases. This allows for a seamless connection between the game and the store, enabling users to continue purchasing items with ease.