初回購入限定でおまけ量を増やすことはできますか | Can I offer extra bonuses for first-time purchases?
「One-time Offer機能」を利用すると、1ユーザーにつき1回のみ購入可能 な商品を設定できます。商品ごとに価格やおまけの量を自由に設定できるため、初回購入限定でおまけ量を増やすことが可能です。
- Game8 ID単位の制限
- 同じGame8 IDでは、対象商品を1回しか購入できません。
- すでに購入済みの場合、購入可能アイテム一覧で非表示または「購入済み」と表示されます。
- ゲーム内ID単位の制限
- 購入時に入力したゲーム内IDごとに1回のみ購入可能です。
- すでに同じゲーム内IDで購入済みの場合、購入確認画面の前に「この商品は既に購入済みです」とメッセージを表示し、購入を防ぎます。
A:Yes, you can.
With the One-time Offer feature, you can set products that can only be purchased once per user. This allows you to offer exclusive bonuses for first-time purchases by adjusting the price or bonus amount for the product.
The One-time Offer feature includes two purchase restrictions:
- Game8 ID-based restriction
- Each Game8 ID can purchase the product only once.
- If the user has already purchased it, the product will either be hidden from the available items list or marked as "Purchased."
- In-game ID-based restriction
- Each in-game ID can purchase the product only once.
- If the same in-game ID has already been used for a purchase, a message will appear before the purchase confirmation screen stating, "You have already purchased this item," preventing additional purchases.
This feature helps you effectively offer first-time purchase bonuses while preventing duplicate purchases from the same user or in-game ID.